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Last Updated 2019-08-28 by Adam Lu
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There are 1 MATLAB scripts in this directory:
- abf2load.m: ** function [d,si,h]=abf2load(fn,varargin)
- abf2loadMARK.m: ** function [d,si,h]=abfload(fn,varargin)
- abf2loadNoDisp.m: ** function [d,si,h]=abfload(fn,varargin)
- abf3load.m: ** function [d,si,h]=abf3load(fn,varargin)
- abfload.m: ** function [d,si]=abfload(fn,varargin)
- acf.m: ACF - Compute Autocorrelations Through p Lags
- append_pdfs.m: APPEND_PDFS Appends/concatenates multiple PDF files
- barweb.m:
- barweb_mark.m:
- barwitherr.m: **************************
- bin_line_maker.m:
- bin_the_spikes2.m: ccc
- bin_the_spikes.m: this function bins detected spikes found in all_data
- BlockMean.m: 2D block mean over 1st and 2nd dim [MEX]
- bplot.m: function forLegend = bplot(X,varargin)
- BreakPlot.m: BreakPlot(x,y,y_break_start,y_break_end,break_type)
- breakyaxis.m: breakyaxes splits data in an axes so that data is in a low and high pane.
- cell2csv.m: Writes cell array content into a *.csv file.
- cell2str.m: CELL2STR Convert a 2-D cell array of strings to a string in MATLAB syntax.
- center_point.m: save coordinates
- circleOTHER.m: ———————————————————————————————
- columnlegend.m:
- confplot.m: CONFPLOT Linear plot with continuous confidence/error boundaries.
- copyfig.m: COPYFIG Create a copy of a figure, without changing the figure
- crop_borders.m: CROP_BORDERS Crop the borders of an image or stack of images
- DataSeriesNonParamErr.m: function Err = DataSeriesNonParamErr(Dat,Type,’alpha)
- decimmtx.m: D = decimmtx(x,N)
- dirr.m:
- ellipse.m: Ellipse adds ellipses to the current plot
- eps2pdf.m: EPS2PDF Convert an eps file to pdf format using ghostscript
- errorbar_tick.m: ERRORBAR_TICK Adjust the width of errorbars
- example1.m: EXAMPLE 1
- example2.m: EXAMPLE 2
- export_fig.m: EXPORT_FIG Exports figures in a publication-quality format
- extrema2.m: EXTREMA2 Gets the extrema points from a surface.
- extrema.m: EXTREMA Gets the global extrema points from a time series.
- fcnCorrMatrixPlot.m: This function produces a correlation matrix scatterplot with
- fix_lines.m: FIX_LINES Improves the line style of eps files generated by print
- freezeColors.m: freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)
- getaxondata.m:
- getComputerName.m: GETCOMPUTERNAME returns the name of the computer (hostname)
- ghostscript.m: GHOSTSCRIPT Calls a local GhostScript executable with the input command
- im2gif.m: IM2GIF Convert a multiframe image to an animated GIF file
- interface_spike_detecta_5.m:
- intpartitions.m: INTPARTITION performs integer partition, i.e. the partition of of a set
- iseven.m: ISEVEN True for even numbers.
- isodd.m: ISODD True for odd numbers.
- isodd_test.m: Some tests for the ISODD function.
- isolate_axes.m: ISOLATE_AXES Isolate the specified axes in a figure on their own
- katie_barweb.m:
- keep.m: KEEP keeps the caller workspace variables of your choice and clear the rest.
- loadods.m: LOADODS: Loads data from an open document spreadsheet (ods) file into a cell
- matc.m: Compare two mat files
- mmread.m: [video, audio] = mmread(filename, frames, time, disableVideo,
- myunique.m: MYUNIQUE is a function to find unique elements in a numeric vector
- nik_autocorr.m:
- panScrollZoom.m: DESCRIPTION
- parseArgs.m: Helper function for parsing varargin.
- partitions.m: extracts the list of all partitions of a number as integer sums of a list of candidates
- pdf2eps.m: PDF2EPS Convert a pdf file to eps format using pdftops
- pdftops.m: PDFTOPS Calls a local pdftops executable with the input command
- pearspdf.m: pearspdf
- print2array.m: PRINT2ARRAY Exports a figure to an image array
- print2eps.m: PRINT2EPS Prints figures to eps with improved line styles
- processFrame.m: processFrame(data,width,height,frameNr)
- progressbar.m: Description:
- psth.m: PSTH Computes the peri-stimulus time histogram from spike times.
- PTZ_fast.m:
- putvar.m: Assigns variables from the current workspace down into the base MATLAB workspace
- pvpmod.m: PVPMOD - evaluate parameter/value pairs
- rasterplot.m: RASTERPLOT.M Display spike rasters.
- ReadImageJROI.m: ReadImageJROI - FUNCTION Read an ImageJ ROI into a matlab structure
- read_write_entire_textfile.m: READ_WRITE_ENTIRE_TEXTFILE Read or write a whole text file to/from memory
- redblue.m: REDBLUE Shades of red and blue color map
- rgb.m: RGB Rgb triple for given CSS color name
- round2.m: ROUND2 rounds number to nearest multiple of arbitrary precision.
- roundsd.m: ROUNDSD Round with fixed significant digits
- scrollplotdemo.m: Created by Steven Lord,
- scrollplot.m: scrollplot Linear plot with multiple subplot and horizontal scrollbar
- scrollsubplot704.m: function [fh ah] = scrollsubplot704(dx,x,y,fhandle,aplot,varargin)
- scrollsubplot704_mark.m: function [fh ah] = scrollsubplot704(dx,x,y,fhandle,aplot,varargin)
- sortcell.m: SORTCELL Sort a cell array in ascending order.
- stdshade.m: usage: stdshading(amatrix,alpha,acolor,F,smth)
- strsplit_PROBLEM_FILE.m: FUNCTION strsplit
- subaxis.m: SUBAXIS Create axes in tiled positions. (just like subplot)
- subplot1.m: ————————————————————————-
- subplotsqueeze.m: Stretch width and height of all subplots in a figure window
- suplabel.m: PLaces text as a title, xlabel, or ylabel on a group of subplots.
- suplabel_test.m:
- swtest.m: SWTEST Shapiro-Wilk parametric hypothesis test of composite normality.
- test.m:
- tick2text.m: TICK2TEXT Changes tick labels to text objects
- tight_subplot.m: tight_subplot creates “subplot” axes with adjustable gaps and margins
- uigetvar.m: Gui to extract a variable from the base matlab workspace, allowing you to specify the class of variables viewed
- uipickfiles.m: uipickfiles: GUI program to select files and/or folders.
- user_string.m: USER_STRING Get/set a user specific string
- using_hg2.m: USING_HG2 Determine if the HG2 graphics engine is used
- uTest_BlockMean.m: Automatic test: BlockMean M and Mex
- VideoReaderOLD.m: VIDEOREADER Create a multimedia reader object.
- xlwrite.m: XLWRITE Write to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file using Java
- xml2struct.m: Convert xml file into a MATLAB structure
- xticklabel_rotate.m: hText = xticklabel_rotate(XTick,rot,XTickLabel,varargin) Rotate XTickLabel