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Useful bash scripts and settings for managing a Linux server

Notes on the Linux operating system

Last Updated 2018-11-16

HOME directory

.local/share/Trash/files/       # deleted files are moved here automatically

Important directories

/                   # root directory or trunk
/bin/               # for essential executable binaries
                    #   such as ps, ls, cp
                    # Note: there must be no subdirectories
/sbin/              # for essential binaries related to system administration
                    #   such as fsck, shutdown
/dev/               # contains device nodes created by the udev system
/opt/               # optional application software packages
/proc/              # pseudo filesystems containing virtual files 
                    #   only existing in memory
/proc/<Process-ID-#>/   # contains vital information about a process
/proc/sys/          # contains information about te entire system
/var/               # (variable) contains files expected to change in 
                    #   size and content as the system is running
/var/log/           # system log files
/var/log/cups/      # log files for CUPS
/var/lib/           # packages and database files
/var/spool/         # print queues
/var/spool/cron/    # contains crontabs for all users
/var/spool/cups/    # job files (print queues) for CUPS
                    #   data files are prefixed with d
                    #   control files are prefixed with c
/var/tmp/           # temp files
/var/ftp/           # FTP service
/var/www/           # HTTP web service
/etc/               # system configuration files
/etc/sudoers.d/     # sudoers
/etc/network/       # basic network configuration files for Debian systems
                    # basic network configuration files for Fedora and SUSE
/etc/cups/          # CUPS related configuration files
/etc/cups/ppd/      # printer drivers for CUPS
/boot/              # essential files needed to boot the system
/boot/grub/         # Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) files
                    #    sometimes /boot/grub2/
/lib/               # contains libraries (common code shared by applications)
                    #   for the essential programs in /bin/ and /sbin/
                    #   dynamically loaded libraries OR Shared Objects (SO)
                    # kernel modules: kernel code, often device drivers, 
                    #   that can be loaded and unloaded 
                    #   without re-starting the system
/lib64/             # 64-bit libraries
/run/media/ or /media/  # for removable media
/mnt/               # temporarily mounting filesystems: network filesystems, 
                    #   temporary partitions, loopback filesystems 
                    #   (files which pretend to be partitions)
/sys/               # virtual pseudo-filesystem giving information 
                    #   about the system and the hardware. 
                    #   Can be used to alter system parameters and for debugging
/srv/               # site-specific data served up by the system. Seldom used.
/tmp/               # temporary files; on some distributions erased across 
                    #   a reboot and/or may actually be a ramdisk in memory
/usr/               # multi-user applications, utilities and data
/usr/include/       # header files used to compile applications
/usr/lib/           # libraries for programs in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin/
/usr/lib64/         # 64-bit libraries for 64-bit programs
/usr/bin/           # primary directory of executable commands on the system
/usr/sbin/          # non-essential system binaries, such as system daemons
/usr/share/         # shared data used by applications, 
                    #   generally architecture-independent
/usr/share/doc/     # contains package documentation
/usr/src/           # source code, usually for the Linux kernel
/usr/local/         # data and programs specific to the local machine
/root/              # home directory of the superuser account

Important files

/etc/X11/xorg.conf  # configuration file for X server (CentOS)
/etc/ntp.conf       # configuration file for Network Time Protocol (NTP)
/etc/resolv.conf    # configuration file for host name to IP addr mappings (DNS)
/etc/crontab        # configuration file for cron table
/etc/fstab          # configuration file for filesystems (filesystem table)
/etc/sudoers        # configuration file for sudo
/etc/cups/cupsd.conf# system-wide settings (e.g., network security) for CUPS
                    # printer-specific settings
/etc/environment    # list of environment variables available for all users
/etc/profile        # system-wide configuration file for the Bourne shell
/etc/bash.bashrc    # shell settings for all users
                    # default display manager used
/etc/exports        # directories and permissions that 
                    #   a host is willing to share with other systems
/etc/passwd         # contains user information 
/etc/shadow         # contains passwords in encrypted format
/etc/group          # list of user groups and their members
/etc/hosts          # list of hosts
/etc/shells         # list of available shells
/etc/apt/sources.list    # sources for apt-get
/etc/samba/smb.conf # samba file share configuration
/boot/vmlinuz       # the compressed Linux kernel, required for booting
/boot/initramfs     # the initial ram filesystem, required for booting
                    #   sometimes called initrd instead
/boot/config        # the kernel configuration file, for debugging & bookkeeping
/boot/    # kernel symbol table, for debugging
/proc/version       # shows Linux version used
/proc/mounts        # shows all mounted filesystems
/proc/cpuinfo       # shows cpu information
/proc/interrupts    # shows TODO
/proc/meminfo       # shows physical RAM information
/proc/partitions    # shows usage of all partitions
/proc/swaps         # shows usage of swap partition or file
/dev/null           # a pseudofile where data is discarded
                    #   a.k.a. bit bucket, black hole
/dev/random         # device node that draws on the entropy pool
                    #   to provide random numbers; 
                    #   does not reuse internal pool
/dev/urandom        # device node that reuses the internal pool to generate
                    #   pseudorandom bits
/usr/share/dict/words OR /usr/dict/words
                    # a built-in list of words
~/.bash_profile OR ~/.bash_login OR ~/.profile
                    # possible configuration file for shell when logging in
~/.bashrc           # configuration file for each new shell
~/.bash_aliases     # aliases read by .bashrc
~/.bash_history     # command line history from previous terminals
                    #    commands are appended to this file upon terminal close
/var/log/auth.log   # contains sudo commands and failures (Debian systems)
                    # /var/log/messages & /var/log/secure (other systems)
pwd/.gitignore      # contain files for git to ignore

Keyboard Shortcuts

SUPER + L           # lock screen
CTRL + ALT + L      # lock screen
Power button + ALT  # suspend (CentOS and SUSE)
ALT + F2            # run a command
CTRL + ALT + F1~F7  # virtual terminals 1~7 (VT 1~7)
                    #   For graphical desktop (X), 
                    #   CentOS/RHEL and openSUSE uses VT 1, 
                    #   while Ubuntu uses VT 7
ALT + F1~F7         # switch between virtual terminals from one without X
CTRL + SHIFT + W    # close window
CTRL + SHIFT + Q    # quit program

Terminal Shortcuts

CTRL + L            # clear the screen
CTRL + D            # exit the current shell
CTRL + Z            # suspend a foreground process
CTRL + C            # terminate a foreground process
CTRL + A            # go to the beginning of line
CTRL + E            # go to the end of line
CTRL + H            # works the same as backspace
CTRL + W            # delete the word before the cursor
CTRL + U            # delete from the beginning of line to cursor position
CTRL + R            # search previously used commands

Command Shell choices

/bin/bash           # bash shell


ntp                 # for syncing time with the Network Time Protocol
gnome-tweak-tool    # for detailed settings such as Theme
dpkg                # the underlying package manager for Debian systems
apt                 # Advanced Package Tool, the high-level package manager 
                    #   used by Debian systems
RPM                 # Red Hat Package Manager, the underlying package manager 
                    #   for Red Hat, openSUSE, Mandriva, CentOS, Oracle Linux
yum                 # Yellowdog Updater, Modified, the high-level package manager 
                    #   used by Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux
dnf                 # another high-level package manager 
                    #   used by Fedora Family Linux
YaST                # Yet another Setup Tool, the high-level package manager 
                    #   used by SUSE Family Linux
zypper              # another high-level package manager 
                    #   used by SUSE Family Linux
PackageKit          # package manager used by GNOME and Fedora
nmtui               # simple graphical network manager
nmcli               # command line network manager
lynx                # configurabel text-based web browser
links OR elinks     # based on lynx; can display tables and frames
w3m                 # another text-based web browser
mutt & mail         # text mode email clients
Ekiga               # Used to connect to Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP) networks
Pidgin              # Used to access GTalk, AIM, ICQ, MSN, IRC
Hexchat             # Used to access Internet Relay Chat (IRC) networks
FFmpeg              # record, convert and stream audio/video
GIMP                # GNU Image Manipulation Program (similar to Adobe Photoshop)
eog                 # Eye of Gnome, an image viewer with slide show capability
Inkscape            # an image editor similar to Adobe Illustrator
convert             # part of (ImageMagick), a command line tool that can modify
                    #   images in many ways
Scribus             # used for creating documents used for publishing
info                # GNU project's standard documentation format
                    #   more free-form than man and supports linked sub-sections
                    #   structure: node -> menus -> items
gnome-help OR yelp  # graphical help system for GNOME
khelpcenter         # graphical help system for KDE
nano                # basic editor
gedit               # basic graphical editor for GNOME
kwrite              # basic graphical editor for KDE
kate                # basic graphical editor for KDE
vi                  # advanced editor
vim                 # vi improved
vimtutor            # tutorial for vi
gvim                # graphical version of vim for GNOME
kvim                # graphical version of vim for KDE
emacs               # advanced editor
sed                 # stream editor
awk                 # powerful file and text-manipulation utility
                    #   created by A. Aho, P. Weinberger & B. Kernighan
ftp                 # insecure command line ftp client
sftp                # secure command line ftp client
                    #   uses the ssh (Secure Shell) protocol
                    #   does not work with anonymous ftp
yafc                # yet another FTP client
lsusb               # manages common USB printers
lp                  # command-line printing utility for System V
lpr                 # command-line printing utility for BSD
enscript            # converts text files to PostScript and other formats
ghostscript         # includes gs, ps2pdf & pdf2ps
poppler             # includes pstopdf & pdftops
ImageMagick         # includes convert
Evince              # most widely used Linux PDF reader
Okular              # PDF reader available on a KDE environment
GhostView           # open-source PDF reader
Xpdf                # open-source PDF reader
pdftk               # PDF Toolkit that can operate on PDF files
pdfinfo             # extract information about PDF files
flpsed              # add data to a PostScript document
pdfmod              # graphical application for modifying PDF files
dos2unix            # converts text files across different platforms
John The Ripper     # automatically verifies whether passwords are strong enough

Compress files

gzip                # the most frequently used Linux compression utility
bzip2               # produces files smaller than those produced by gzip
xz                  # the most space-efficient compression utility in Linux
zip                 # often needed to decompress from other operating systems
tar                 # group files into an archive and compress archive

File systems

ext4, btrfs, ext3, squashfs     # supported by Linux
ntfs, vfat                      # Windows
hfs, hfs+                       # MacOS
jfs                             # IBM
xfs                             # SGI
ext4, btrfs, jfs, xfs           # journaling varieties
NFS                             # network filesystem
                                #   , first developed by Sun Microsystems
CIFS (SAMBA)                    # developed by Microsoft

File Manager Shortcuts

CTRL + 1            # switch to Icon format
CTRL + 2            # switch to List format
CTRL + H            # show/hide hidden files
CTRL + L            # display current location
CTRL + R            # reload
CTRL + +            # zoom in
CTRL + -            # zoom out
CTRL + 0            # normal size
F9                  # show/hide side bar
CTRL + F            # search bar
SHIFT + DELETE      # permanently delete file


program             # a series of instructions (binary data) for the CPU 
                    #    and possibly other resources (images, sound files 
                    #    and such) organised into a package
process             # a running instance of a program
interactive processes   
                    # need to be started by a user at the command line or GUI
                    #   Example: bash, top
batch processes     # automatic processes scheduled from and then 
                    #   disconnected from the terminal
                    #   Example: updatedb
daemons             # server processes that run continuously
                    #   Example: httpd, xinetd, sshd
threads             # light processes; tasks that run under 
                    #   an umbrella of a main process
                    #   Example: gnome-terminal-server
kernel threads      # kernel tasks that users have little control over
                    #   Example: kthreadd, migration, ksoftirqd
scheduler           # kernel function that constantly shifts processes 
                    #   on and off the CPU
run queue           # for processes in a running state (need a time slice)
wait queue          # for processes in a sleep state
zombie state        # when a child process has completed but its 
                    #   parent process hasn't asked about it
PID                 # process ID number
PPID                # parent process ID number; if parent dies, 
                    #   the adoptive parent is kthreadd with PPID = 2
TID                 # thread ID number; unique for each thread 
                    #   in a multi-thread process
RUID                # Real User ID; the user who started the process
EUID                # Effective User ID; access rights of the user
RGID                # Real Group ID; the group that started the process
EGID                # Effective Group ID; access rights of the group
nice value (niceness)   # sets the priority of a process
                    #   -20 is the highest priority; 19 is the lowest
load average        # the average of the load number for a given period of time
                    #   takes into account uninterruptible sleeping processes
                    #   3 numbers: last min, last 5 mins, last 15 mins

Important environmental variables (duplicated in

$USER               # user name
$HOSTNAME           # hostname of the machine
$SECONDS            # the number of seconds since the shell/script was started
$LINENO             # the current line number in the shell/script
$RANDOM             # a random number from the Linux kernel's 
                    #   built-in random number generator, 
                    #   by the OpenSSL library function,
                    #   using the FIPS140 algorithm
$HOME               # home directory of current user
$PWD                # present working directory
$PATH               # ordered list of directories scanned upon command
$PS1                # the prompt statement
$SHELL              # user's default command shell
$HISTFILE           # the location of the history file
$HISTFILESIZE       # the maximum number of lines in the history file
                    #   (default 500)
$HISTSIZE           # the maximum number of commands in the history file
$HISTCONTROL        # how commands are stored (ignoreboth, ignordups)
$HISTIGNORE         # which command lines can be unsaved

File Streams

stdin               # standard input, file descriptor == 0
                    #    absolute path: /proc/<processID>/fd/0
                    #    relative path: /dev/stdin or /proc/self/fd/0
stdout              # standard output, file descriptor == 1
                    #    absolute path: /proc/<processID>/fd/1
                    #    relative path: /dev/stdout or /proc/self/fd/1
stderr              # standard error, file descriptor == 2
                    #    absolute path: /proc/<processID>/fd/2
                    #    relative path: /dev/stderr or /proc/self/fd/2

Network operations

IPv4                # Internet protocol version 4
                    #   uses 32 bits for addresses
                    #   only 4.3 billion unique addresses
IPv6                # Internet protocol version 6
                    #   uses 128 bits for addresses
                    #   only 3.4 x 10^38 billion unique addresses


Class A             # NetID.HostID.HostID.HostID
                    #   A maximum of 126 such networks
                    #   Each network has up to 16.7 million unique hosts
                    #   Range: to
Class B             # NetID.NetID.HostID.HostID
                    #   A maximum of 16,384 such networks
                    #   Each network has up to 65,536 unique hosts
                    #   Range: to
Class C             # NetID.NetID.NetID.HostID
                    #   A maximum of 2.1 million such networks
                    #   Each network has up to 256 unique hosts
                    #   Range: to

/etc/password file contents

username:password:UID:GID:User Info:Home Directory:Shell
username            # Should be between 1~32 characters
password            # x if encrypted
UID                 # 0 - root; 1-99 - other predefined accounts
                    # 100-999 - system accounts and groups
                    # 1000+ - normal users
GID                 # primary group ID, stored in the /etc/group file
User Info           # (optional) allows insertion of extra information
Home Directory      # absolute location of home directory
Shell               # absolute location of default shell

Top output

us                  # percentage CPU time for users
sy                  # percentage CPU time for kernel (system)
ni                  # percentage of user jobs running at a low priority (niceness)
id                  # percentage CPU time in idle mode
wa                  # percentage of jobs waiting for input/output
hi                  # percentage of hardware interrupts
si                  # percentage of software interrupts
st                  # steal time
Swap                # swap space: temporary storage space on the hard drive
VIRT                # virtual memory
RES                 # physical memory
SHR                 # shared memory
S                   # status
TIME+               # execution time

Top single-letter commands

t                   # display or hide summary information
m                   # display or hide memory information
A                   # sort the process list by top resource consumers
r                   # renice a specific process
k                   # kill a specific process
f                   # enter the configuration screen
o                   # select a new sort order

Vim Command Mode commands

:help               # open vim documentation
K                   # bring up manual page for a Unix command
h OR BACKSPACE      # move left
l OR SPACE          # move right
j                   # move down
k                   # move up
0 OR |              # move to the start of line
^ OR _              # move to the start of line ignoring whitespace
n|                  # move to column n of current line
$                   # move to the end of line
^                   # move to the first non-blank character in the line
+                   # move to the first character in the next line
-                   # move to the first non-blank character in the previous line
w                   # move to the start of the next word
W                   # move to the start of the next blank-delimited word
e                   # move to the end of the current word
E                   # move to the end of the current blank-delimited word
b                   # move to the beginning of the previous blank-delimited word
B                   # move to the beginning of the previous word
H                   # move to the top of the screen    
nH                  # move to the nth line from top of the screen    
M                   # move to the middle of the screen
nL                  # move to the nth line from the bottom of the screen    
L                   # move to the bottom of the screen
gg OR :0            # move to the start of the file
G OR :$             # move to the bottom of the file
499G OR :499        # move to line 499
Fc                  # move back to c
fc                  # move forward to c 
Tc                  # move back to just after c
tc                  # move forward to just before c 
;                   # repeat last F, f, T, f command
,                   # repeat last F, f, T, f command in the reverse direction
(                   # move back one sentence
)                   # move forward one sentence 
{                   # move back one paragraph
}                   # move forward one paragraph
[[                  # move back one section
]]                  # move forward one section
CTRL + u            # move back half a screen
CTRL + d            # move forward half a screen
CTRL + b            # move back one screen
CTRL + f            # move forward one screen
CTRL + l            # to refresh and center screen
CTRL + e            # move screen up one line
CTRL + y            # move screen down one line
zt                  # move screen so that current line is at the top
zz                  # move screen so that current line is at the center
zb                  # move screen so that current line is at the bottom
mc                  # set a mark called c
`c                  # move to the mark called c
:=                  # show total number of lines
:.=                 # show current line number
CTRL + g            # show location in file and the file status
/                   # search in the forward direction
?                   # search in the backward direction
/WORD\c             # search for WORD while ignoring case
n                   # move to next occurrence of search pattern
N                   # move to previous occurrence of search pattern
CTRL + o            # move to older position
CTRL + i OR TAB     # move to newer position
%                   # search for matching parenthesis
v                   # start visual selection
V                   # start visual selection of lines
CTRL + v            # start visual selection of blocks
u                   # undo
U                   # undo entire line
CTRL + r            # redo
>>                  # insert tab at start of line
<<                  # remove tab at start of line
4>>                 # insert tab at start of the following 4 lines
4<<                 # remove tab at start of the following 4 lines
i                   # (start Insert Mode) insert text before the cursor
I                   # (start Insert Mode) insert text at start of line
a                   # (start Insert Mode) append text after the cursor
A                   # (start Insert Mode) append text to end of line
o                   # (start Insert Mode) create new line below the cursor
O                   # (start Insert Mode) create new line above the cursor
rx                  # replace the character at the cursor with x
R                   # (start Replace Mode) replace text
cl OR s             # (start Insert Mode) change this character
cw                  # (start Insert Mode) change until just before 
                    #                       the start of the next word
ce                  # (start Insert Mode) change until the end of current word
c$ OR C             # (start Insert Mode) change until the end of line
S                   # (start Insert Mode) change the entire line
~                   # toggle upper/lower case
J                   # join lines
4J                  # join the next 4 lines together
x                   # delete character (Delete)
X                   # delete previous character (Backspace)
2x                  # delete 2 characters
dw                  # delete to just before the start of the next word
d2w                 # delete to just before the start of 2 words beyond
de                  # delete to the end of the current word
d$ OR D             # delete to the end of line
dd                  # delete the entire line
2dd                 # delete two lines
:200,300d           # delete lines 200 through 300
dG                  # delete to the end of file
yw                  # copy to just before the start of the next word
ye                  # copy to the end of the current word
y$                  # copy to the end of line
yy OR :y            # copy the entire line
"cy                 # yank buffered text in register c
p                   # paste buffered text after cursor
P                   # paste buffered text before cursor
.                   # repeat last text-changing command
"4p                 # retrieve the last 4th delete (up to 9th)
"cp                 # paste buffered text in register c
@:                  # repeat last command starting with :
:r FILENAME         # read contents of FILENAME and place after cursor
:nr FILENAME        # read contents of FILENAME and place after line n
:r !ls              # read standard output of ls command
:s/old/new          # substitute the first occurrence in the line
:s/old/new/g        # substitute globally in the line
:499,502s/old/new/g # substitute globally between lines 499 and 502
:.,.+10s/old/new/g  # substitute globally between the current line 
                    #   and 10 lines after
:%s/old/new/g       # substitute globally in the file
:%s/old/new/gc      # substitute globally in the file with prompt
&                   # repeat last :s command
:w FILENAME         # save buffer to FILENAME
:'<,'>w TEST        # save visually selected text to TEST
:q! OR ZQ           # exit without saving
:wq OR :x OR ZZ     # save and exit
:!                  # execute an external command
:! wc %             # word count
:set ic             # ignore upper/lower case when searching (ignorecase)
:set is             # show partial matches for a search phrase (incsearch)
                    #   "incremental searching"
:set hls            # highlight all matching phrases (hlsearch)
:set noic           # disable ignore case option
:set nocp           # make sure vim is not in compatible mode
:N or :E            # open a new split-screen window
CTRL + w, CTRL + w  # jump from one window to another
:e ~/.vimrc         # edit the vimrc file
:new                # new file in vim
:r $VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim    
                    # read in the example "vimrc" file contents
:sh                 # start shell (type exit to quit)
:autocmd Filetype txt setlocal tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab
:w !sudo tee %      # save as sudoer

Vim Line Mode Commands

%                   # current file name
CTRL + d            # show a list of possible command completions
TAB                 # complete command

Vim Insert Mode Commands

ALT + [Normal Mode Key]
                    # exit Insert Mode and perform Normal Mode command
CTRL + c            # exit Insert Mode
CTRL + [            # exit Insert Mode and finish abbreviations
CTRL + h            # delete previous character
CTRL + w            # delete previous word
CTRL + u            # delete to start of line
CTRL + x            # delete to start of inserted text
CTRL + v            # take the next charater literally
CTRL + i            # insert tab


CTRL + H, t         # open emacs tutorial
CTRL + G            # quit current command
CTRL + B            # move cursor left
CTRL + F            # move cursor right
CTRL + N            # move cursor down
CTRL + P            # move cursor up
ALT + B             # move cursor to the previous word
ALT + F             # move cursor to the next word
CTRL + A            # move cursor to the start of line
CTRL + E            # move cursor to the end of line
ALT + A             # move cursor to the start of sentence
ALT + E             # move cursor to the end of sentence
CTRL + V            # move forward one page
ALT + V             # move back one page
ALT + G + G, 499    # move to line 499
CTRL + L            # to refresh and center screen
ALT + SHIFT + <     # move to the start of the file
ALT + SHIFT + >     # move to the bottom of the file
CTRL + U            # add a numerical argument
CTRL + U, 8, *      # type ********
CTRL + O            # insert a blank line
CTRL + D            # delete character
ALT + D             # kill to the end of the current word
CTRL + K            # kill to the end of line
ALT + K             # kill to the end of sentence
CTRL + Y            # paste killed text (yank)
ALT + Y             # paste previously killed text
CTRL + SPACE        # mark start of region, end will be cursor position
CTRL + W            # kill marked region
CTRL + S            # search in the forward direction
CTRL + R            # search in the reverse direction
CTRL + X, 1         # close all other windows
CTRL + X, 2         # split windows
CTRL + O            # move to other window
CTRL + X, F         # set column width
                    # undo
CTRL + X, I         # read file and insert at current position
CTRL + X, CTRL + F  # find file
CTRL + X, CTRL + B  # list buffers
CTRL + X, B         # switch buffer
CTRL + X, CTRL + S  # save current file
CTRL + X, S         # save all files
CTRL + X, CTRL + W  # write to the file giving a new name when prompted
CTRL + X, CTRL + C  # exit after being prompted to save files


#   Each line has 6 fields:
#    * means all possible values
MIN                 # minutes (00 to 59)
HOUR                # hours (00 to 23)
DOM                 # day of month (01-31)
MON                 # month field (01-12)
DOW                 # day of week (0-6, 0 is Sunday)
CMD                 # any command to be executed


Control Groups (cgroups)
Linux Containers (LXC)

Other Acronyms

IMAP                # Internet Message Access Protocol, 
                    #   used to access emails stored on a remote server
POP                 # Post Office Protocol, 
                    #   used to access emails stored on a remote server
DHCP                # Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
NIC                 # Network Interface Card (NIC)
FTP                 # File Transfer Protocol
DNS                 # Domain Name System
CUPS                # Common UNIX Printing System
PDF                 # Portable Document Format
RTF                 # Rich Text Format
HTML                # HyperText Markup Language
pts                 # pseudo terminal slave
SUID                # Set owner User ID upon execution
SHA-512             # Secure Hashing Algorithm 512 bits
                    #   used to encrypt passwords in the /etc/shadow file
PAM                 # Pluggable Authentication Modules
VPS                 # Virtual Private Server
API                 # Application Programming Interface
HTTP                # HyperText Transfer Protocol

Web addresses

http://localhost:631/       # CUPS web interface

makefile format

[target]: [dependencies...]